Shalom Shalom family ?

May the love of YHVH give you all renewed minds. May you face this day with boldness and vision that He is a Father of love and order upon order.

Our Heavenly Father, great I Am and full of loving kindness. We come with hearts filled with gratitude and express with our lips of praise our thanks for all Your blessings. Thank You for this new day and every ability we have. Thank You that You are our joy and gladness. Thank You for saving lives and being our strong tower in all times. Thank You for the love You expressed with love, giving us Your Don Yeshua HaMashiach in remission of our sins. We have so many things to be greatful for and today let us not focus on anything that bring us down or break our Spirit. Thank You for our daily bread and provisions. Please be with us in all, wherever we are or go. Please keep Your hand of protection over us, our families and friends. Keep us safe from harm and pain. Please bless the poor, lonely, widow and orphans. Help us not to be selfish or filled with pride. Nor focused on self need but see the need in others too. Thank You for forgiveness . We love You. We adore You and give You Praise. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Amein