Submitting All To YHVH

1 Corinthians 14:33 / 1 Timothy 2:2 / Psalm 91:1 / 1 Peter 5:5 (AMP) / Matthew 6:10 / James 4:7 / 1 Samuel 15: 22, 23 (TLB) / Psalm 51:6, 7 (TLB) / Colossians 1:13, 14 (NIV) / Matthew 10:38, 39 (AMP) / John 16:33 / John 15:15 / Revelation 12:11

Abba, You are the Most High Supreme Authority – a YHVH of order. You have instituted other authority structures that will support healthy relationships and maintain harmony. I surrender my all, and my free will to You that I may find protection and dwell in Your secret places, my Most High YHVH. Abba thank You for pastors, ministers, leaders and every one of Your believers, who are submitted to You and who are examples to others who is in need of Your Comfort and Love. Adonai, You know how sinful and rebellious we all are, me included, and I ask Your forgiveness for manipulating circumstances and people – trying to do my own will and to get things my own way. I give You my will and ask that Your Will be done in my life as it is done in heaven. Abba, when I feel that my life is spiralling out of control, help me to bind my mind to the Mind of Moshiach and my control to the control of Ruach HaKodesh. I loose my mind from obsessive thought patterns that try to confuse me. I know that obedience is far better than sacrifice. I know that You are more interested in me listening to You, than offering of material things. I believe that rebellion is just as bad as witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshipping idols, and I believe when I am rebellious and stubborn, I commit adultery against You and Your Word. Please forgive me for those things. Abba, You deserve honesty from the heart and utter sincerity and truthfulness. O Abba, fill me with Your Wisdom! Sprinkle me with the Blood of the Lamb and cleanse me and wash me so I can be whiter than snow! You have rescued me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into the Kingdom of Your beloved Son Yeshua Moshiach, in Whom I have redemption, the forgiveness of sin. Adonai, I will follow You with every breath, with every step and with every moment, for I Love You and need You. I yield all my desires that are not in Your plans for me. Even in the midst of fearful moments, I submit and trust everything, including my future to you. Teach me to be Your disciple and to take up my cross and follow You. Abba, You gave Yeshua to be my Example, and after He was taken up to be at Your Right Hand, You gave me Your Ruach Kodesh to be my Helper and my Guide. There are uncountable temptation, trials and tribulations in this world today, but with Yeshua that overcame the world and Your \Ruach Kodesh in me, I am of good cheer that I have the armour to withstand all of that. Yeshua is the Way, the Truth and the Life and I will be His servant. What I do ask is that You guide me and help me through the process of surrendering my all to You, my life, my household, my will, my finances, my thoughts and all my decisions. I ask in exchange of this surrender a renewed spirit and a willing obedient heart. I ask that You heal my deafness that I can hear You and my blindness that I can see Your Greatness. I belong to Moshiach, the Anointed One, Who breaks down and destroys every yoke of bondage. In His Name and in obedience to Your Will Abba, I submit to the control and direction of Ruach HaKodesh Whom You sent into my life. As I surrender all to You, I believe that I am Your child. I am a successful winner through the Blood of the Lamb. Thank You my Most High King. Amein.