Dr Zelenko posted this today. he's right. Yahusha will trample them all under feet whoever is a cohort of evil and does not repent will end up in the lake of fire and brimstone and experience eternal death, been wiped out for ever and ever. Those who are blinded by this evil have still a chance too to repent as long they are able to and their body minds and soul aren't destroyed by these poison needles. Pray for them! < I pray for my own son. >
We go into shabbat here soon and I will do nothing more than less and pray. Get you all ready, having Yahs whole armor on 24/7. Praying with all supplication in the Ruach and watching with all preseverance and supplication for a-l-l qodeshim and that utterance may be given to us that ywe may open our mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the besorah for to speak as we should speak . Shabbat Shalom.
