Sabbath Keepers Fellowship & Prison Ministry
Min Hazaqen Torah Study Group on Facebook
Christi Banks
Yochanan Ben Yisrael
15 Bo – Haftarah
Yermeyahu 46:13-28
The word which YHWH spoke to Yirmeyahu the prophet, about the coming of Neḇuḵaḏretstsar king of Baḇel, to strike the land of Mitsrayim: “Declare in Mitsrayim, and let it be heard in Miḡdol. And let it be heard in Noph and in Taḥpanḥes. Say, ‘Stand fast and be prepared, for a sword shall devour all around you.’
“Why were your strong ones swept away? They did not stand because YHWH drove them away.
“He made many stumble; indeed, they fell over each other, and said, ‘Arise! Let us go back to our own people, and to the land of our birth, away from the oppressing sword.’
“There they cried, ‘Pharaoh, king of Mitsrayim, is but a noise. He has let the appointed time pass by!’
“As I live,” declares the King, whose Name is YHWH of hosts, “For as Taḇor is among the mountains, and as Karmel by the sea, he shall come.
“O you daughter dwelling in Mitsrayim, prepare yourself to go into exile! For Noph shall become a waste and a ruin, and be burned, without inhabitant.
“Mitsrayim is like a very pretty heifer, but destruction comes, it comes from the north.
“Her hired ones too, in her midst, are like fattened calves, for they too shall turn, they shall flee away together. They shall not stand, for the day of their calamity has come upon them, the time of their punishment.
“Its sound moves along like a serpent, for they move on like an army and come against her with axes, like woodcutters.
“They shall cut down her forest,” declares YHWH, “for it is not searched, because they are more numerous than locusts, and without number.
“The daughter of Mitsrayim shall be put to shame. She shall be given into the hand of the people of the north.”
YHWH of hosts, the Elohim of Yisra’ěl, has said, “See, I am bringing punishment on Amon of No, and on Pharaoh, and on Mitsrayim, and on their mighty ones, and on their kings, and on Pharaoh and on those trusting in him.
“And I shall give them into the hand of those who seek their lives, into the hand of Neḇuḵaḏretstsar king of Baḇel and into the hand of his servants. And afterward it shall be inhabited as in the days of old,” declares YHWH.
“But as for you, do not fear, O My servant Ya‛aqoḇ, and do not be discouraged, O Yisra’ěl! For look, I am saving you from afar, and your descendants from the land of their captivity. And Ya‛aqoḇ shall return, and shall have rest and be at ease, with no one disturbing.
“Do not fear, O Ya‛aqoḇ My servant,” declares YHWH, “for I am with you. Though I make a complete end of all the nations to which I have driven you, yet I do not make a complete end of you. But I shall reprove you in judgment, and by no means leave you unpunished.”
