3 yrs ·Youtube

What a sad week this has been. An online friend lost his wife, then Rob Skiba passed away, and then a British MP was killed - an MP who was still working and helping his constituents at the age of 69. With the first, my friend was supported and cared for by our little online forum, and with the second I'm glad to say almost unanimous support for Rob and all that he said and taught - I am still just so incredibly sad that he is gone. The one dissenting voice to all that criticised Rob for drawing fire to the Torah community by his anti-vax stance - well, sorry, but as the video below shows, Rob was pretty much spot on to the outright tyranny and mark of the beat technology being implemented now. For anyone thinking this is a conspiracy "theory", they need to open their eyes, I'm afraid. Lastly the bitter and horrible comments about MP David Amess which I saw on another online forum last night were just too much - I was brought up that if you can't think of something nice to say don't say anything at all. I was deeply saddened to read people's views on the death of a man, who, whether you agreed with his politics or not, was a husband and father. So today I feel so sad with all this loss going on. May they all rest in peace, and my God comfort those who mourn.