Plot twist: To worship money is to love God. Yahuah is the Creator and Elohim/Alahym is a Title that means two! Genesis 30. If you refuse to research what these idols are, then you have no valid opinion on the subject. Yahuah never calls Himself by another Name. NEVER! He has Titles, but One Name, as Scripture says. One Name that lasts forever and ever and never changes! HalleluYah! If you take a book from outside the Word, you best made sure it fits perfectly into Yahuah's Torah, because if it doesn't then that book is from HaSatan. If you don't want to follow Yahuah's Torah without changing it for some tradition turning left and right from the Word, then you are not one of Yahuah's people. Scripture says that salvation is by keeping Yahuah's Torah by the blood sacrifice of Yahshua the Messiah, not by following in other traditions instead of following Yahuah. If we could follow our own traditions then your opinion on how far I can take it doesn't matter, because you don't get a say and someone somewhere burned the Word minus a verse and called it gold and the masses jumped on it like a fat kid hopping on some ice cream. If any sin can be classified as good no matter how small, then those who believe that are okay with all sin. Your one to my one. Sad. We both lose and thus goes the masses. To delusional to step out of line like Yahuah asks us to. Demands us to! Gouda morning, fellow humans! HalleluYah!