My musings for the day.
last night, our study group approached the subject of eating pork, and kindly threw in the Acts 10 chestnut.
For those who argue that all types of food are now allowed, I suggest one consider the interpretation given to Paul by the Holy Spirit in v27.

Acts 15 then goes on to declare through the Jerusalem council what Gentiles should avoid. This decision, it is said, was given by the Holy Spirit as the Council discerned the right course.
What transpires created a pathway for Gentiles and Jews to associate.
However, it would seem that most of the Christian Church and many within the Messianic community still do not obey the ruling of the Council. If we believe that the decision of the JC was Holy Spirit ordained, then it is clear that disobedience is at play.

On another note, We can also agree that if the Sabbath day, which is unchanging is not observed, then disobedience and the breaking of the command is at work.

This is then very serious, and we can only be grateful for YHVH's abounding grace. ( I suggest that what we are seeing amongst the ecclesia and what is about to come upon the body in this present hour, is a result of the non-observance of the Sabbath). God brings judgment because His people refuse to observe His commands. Simple! we therefore need to repent, lean upon His mercy and carry on.

We can argue, as some do that Christ has set us free from the bondage found within the law and observances, but I think a realistic lesson for us would be this. Would we see Yeshua breaking the Sabbath rule or the rule of eating unclean animals?

The scriptures In Act 10 tell us clearly that we are not to call what God has made clean, or unclean. It does not say that God has made the unclean, clean. The vision of food and its reference were clearly symbolic of proving a point to Peter.

Also, in a nutshell, arguing over the rules over observances, and even sacred name translations, will not secure a person's salvation. This is a personal endeavour. There is no point in being concerned with a matter if we are not living an obedient and holy life.

Observing the Torah, as I have said, is different from living in Torah, which is Christ.

That's all for now.