There are actually four types of "voices" which we hear speaking to us and it is important that we learn to distinguish each one so that we are able to discern the true voice of YHVH:

1 -- The voice that is perhaps the most obvious is our own voice. In addition to our speaking voice, we also talk to ourselves inside our heads, we see images and pictures inside our heads, we have emotions and feelings and desires and so on. Our minds tell us what we think, our wills tell us what we want and our emotions tell us how we feel. The Bible refers to our minds, wills and emotions as our "flesh nature".

2 -- Another type of voice which clamours for our attention is the "voice" of other people. Sometimes people say things which are true, noble and good and sometimes people say things which are just the opposite.

3 -- The third type of voice is the "voice" of the devil. The devil has crafty ways of speaking to us which he has perfected over the millennia. He does not appear before us in a red, cloven-hoofed suit and speak out loud to us, he is much more subtle than that. What he does is to throw thoughts into our minds like flaming arrows and he speaks to us through the worldly ideas and viewpoints that he has injected into other people.

4 -- The fourth and final type of voice is the most important, but it is also the most subtle. It is the voice of YHVH. YHVH does not speak to us in our minds, He speaks to us in our spirits because that is where the Holy Spirit lives.

Unfortunately, we tend to spend most of our thought life in our heads, in other words in "the mind of the flesh" (Romans 8:7, AMP), focused on the sensory world around us where our physical senses and our thoughts, feelings, desires and emotions are constantly being bombarded and stimulated in worldly, carnal, fleshly ways. We tend to live on the shallow surface, so to speak, rarely venturing deeper where the Spirit of YHVH lives within us. The result is that many of us do not know where our spirits are nor how to hear and be led by our spirits. Because of this we leave ourselves wide open to fall for the many deceptions of the devil.

In order to hear YHVH's voice and to discern His leading for your daily life, there is one key point that you need to be aware of. If you can grab hold of this one key point then you'll be hearing from YHVH in no time! Here it is:

Don't expect YHVH to speak to you in a sensational, spectacular, supernatural way!

You see, we have a natural tendency to want YHVH to speak out loud to us in some obvious way so that we know that it was Him and so that we know what we are supposed to do. YHVH occasionally does speak to people in "the audible voice of YHVH" or in some other sensational way, but those are not His usual ways of speaking to us.

Why? Because YHVH is into faith and without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). The thing about faith is that it requires that we don't have all of our questions answered! If YHVH were to speak out loud to us all the time so that we know it is YHVH speaking to us, then we wouldn't need faith to hear Him.

On the other hand, if YHVH speaks so softly to us that we need to get into the habit of listening closely to our spirits and drawing closer to YHVH in order to hear Him better, then there is a lot of faith involved and it requires cultivating a deeper, more personal, more intimate relationship with Adonai. This is exactly what YHVH is after!

The plain and simple fact is that YHVH usually speaks to us in such a quiet, non-spectacular way that we are almost never going to be 100% certain that we heard Him speaking to us and we just need to get used to that. Once we get past the "hang up" of needing to hear from YHVH in spectacular, loud, supernatural ways, then we will find ourselves beginning to recognize the still, small voice which He usually uses.

For example, have you ever done something that bothered your conscience? Deep down inside you knew that it was wrong, but how did you know? It was because there is something way down inside of us that knows when something is right or wrong. Somehow our "knower" knows these things and it bothers our conscience when we do things that our "knower" knows is not right. This "knower" which we sense way down deep inside of us is where YHVH often tends to speak to us. There is nothing spectacular about it, there is nothing sensational about it. It is the still, small voice of YHVH.

#yhwh #fathersvoice #hearingfromgod #hearingfromyhwh