I thought maybe I had already asked this, but I don't remember any replies.

When the Israelites left Egypt, Scriptire says they packed their unleavened DOUGH since the kneading troughs were packed. This means the dough had plenty of time whole they hiked to collect yeast from the air. So, my question is this: is sourdough or poolish the only leavening we are to get rid of annually, or do we need to toss out nutritional yeast, baking soda, baking powder, yeast extract, baking yeast, brewer's yeast, and some even say, milk? We've always gotten out everything but the milk, just to be safe, but I've really been questioning this over the past year. Don't the rabbis go too far by requiring matzah be cooked within 15 minutes and have holes poked in it? The Israelites wouldn't have had time to do this poking, either, as they traveled.