Blessed are You Yahuah Eloheinu, Owner of Light and Life. We rejoice in Your presence and seek to live fully in Your light. By the Word that created light out of darkness, grant that Your light may shine in Your Church. Let our lives be filled with Your light that others may be drawn to Your light. Let Your Church throughout the world be radiant with Your love. Adonai, by the light that has come into the world, reveal Your peace and justice to the nations. Guide our rulers and thinkers that we may live in harmony and generosity and that none may hunger or suffer from want. Father, by the Light that shines in the face of Yeshua Moshiach, fill our homes with Your love and joy. Bless our loved-ones, families, friends and all whom we meet. Father, by the light that destroys darkness, bring hope and comfort to all who suffer, all who are ill, all who have a disability and all victims of crime. We pray especially for those whose lives are darkened by fear or their past. We ask that Your light shine in and around us that our sins may be forgiven and that all evil will flee from us. We thank You for all that we have and our daily Word. And we pray this in the Name of our King and Messiah, Yeshua Moshiach. Amein.