Leaving Egypt together. Don’t know what it will really be like after we leave Babylon. Only known servitude, competing survivalistically. Little time for family, for God, to recreate. Living on the knife’s edge all the time between anxiety and depression. Presumption and despair.
Craving relationship but certainly haven’t learned to be a community. Can’t imagine the faith that will be needed. Everyone is so scattered — their thoughts, their history, their positions. So many differences -- so complicated. So easy to swipe right. How will we ever be united?

What will it be like for all of life to hang on Yeshua’s voice? His provision borne of relationship. To value what He says even more than the bread we think we need.

When our food runs out, will we look heavenward? When we need guidance to deal with the giants, will we see as He sees? Will we perpetually, in doubt and rebellion, ask if He is with us or not?! every time there is a challenge?

All He wants is relationship. Community. Fellowship with Him. We don’t know how to do that — if we are honest.

He will provide the cloud and the fire. He is just waiting for our food to run out, our plans to exhaust.

Shabbat was given to us so we would know to rest in Him. It doesn’t depend on us and it’s best we acknowledge it and relax into that. There is no point anymore in working to get ahead. Or scheming. The manna is free and it equalizes by itself.

He just wants us to listen to His voice. Mysteriously - that is the manna. And there is no reason to hoard anything. It is new every morning.

We are each in our isolated world with a device in hand. Can we leave Egypt behind in the truest sense? Can we sing and worship together with a unity that we’ve never imagined before?

Because that is what matters to Him.

(I can't figure out how to navigate on this site.)