By the partnership, do I mean being a part of Yeshua's Body by faith?

Yes indeed, as it is written, “the God set forth [Yeshua] [to be] (an)_atonement_(sacrifice), [effective] through THE FAITH, by_means_of his blood” (Roman 3:25 EMPHASIS MINE THROUGHOUT).

And it is not through just any ‘faith’ that one might have in or about Yeshua, but it says ‘THE FAITH’ -a specific faithfulness, a specific allegiance which was possessed by Yeshua's apostles and the first disciples, whose stories and beliefs and books we are privileged to read in the Bible.

This specific FAITH, through which the blood of Yeshua provides ongoing cleansing from sin is one with A CERTAIN PARTNERSHIP with the Father, with the Son AND WITH EACH OTHER, as it is written,

“which we_have_seen and we_have_heard we_are_announcing to_you also, so_that ye also may_be_POSSESSING (AN)_AGREED_PARTNERSHIP WITH US: yea, and the agreed_partnership -OUR (AGREED PARTNERSHIP)- [is] with the Father, and with his Son Yeshu` Anointed:...if we_be_walking in the light, as he is_being in the light, we_are_POSSESSING (AN)_AGREED_PARTNERSHIP ONE WITH_ANOTHER, AND THE BLOOD OF YESHU` HIS SON IS_CLEANSING US FROM ALL SIN.” (1 John 1:3,7)

They who are IN THIS PARTNERSHIP are called ‘BROTHERS’ (and ‘sisters’ are included) and there are MINIMUM STANDARDS OF REPENTANCE to enter and remain IN THIS PARTNERSHIP, as it is written,

“not to_be_being_mingled_together, if anyone being_named (a)_BROTHER would_be_being (a)_sexual_sinner, or covetous, or (an)_idolater, or (a)_reviler, or (a)_drunkard, or (an)_extortioner; with_the such NOT_EVEN TO_BE_EATING.” (1 Corinthians 5:11)

And also,
“A divisive person after a first and second admonition BE_THOU_REFUSING; knowing that such a one is perverted, and is_sinning, being self-condemned.” (Titus 3:10)

And Yeshua taught us how to maintain these standards, saying,

“IF THY BROTHER SIN, [STEP 1] go, show him his fault between thee and him ALONE: if he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
16 But if he hear [thee] not, [STEP 2] take with thee one or two more, that AT THE MOUTH OF TWO WITNESSES OR THREE every word may be established.
17 And if he refuse to hear them, [STEP 3] tell it to THE ASSEMBLY: and if he refuse to hear the assembly also, [STEP 4] let him be to thee as the (one of a) nation and the publican.
18 'Amen, I_am_saying to_you, What things soever ye shall bind ON EARTH shall be bound IN SKY; and what things soever ye shall loose ON EARTH shall be loosed IN SKY.
19 Again I_am_saying to_you, that if two of you shall agree on earth about any VERDICT (about)_which they might ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is IN SKIES.
20 For where two or three are gathered together for_(the advantage of) my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:15-20)

And thus, through Yeshua's assembly -הקחל, the εκκλησία, the true ‘Church’- of his “BROTHERS” ON EARTH united in this purity and mutual accountability, Skyly Father יהוה continues His manifestation of HIS WISDOM to the SKYLY BEINGS, as it is written,


11 according_to the purpose of the eons which he effectuated in the Anointed Yeshu` our Lord:
12 in whom we_have the boldness and the access in confidence THROUGH THE FAITH of_him.” (Ephesians 3:10-12)

-”THROUGH THE FAITH of_him” which I lay also before you, that WE -UNITED, loving not our SOUL even to DEATH, by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and the word of our testimony- MIGHT OVERCOME OUR ENEMY in provoking the war of Meekha’el and those IN SKIES who call us “BROTHERS” to oust THE SATANA and his angels FROM THE SKIES for ever, leading to the consummation of all things -the establishment of Skyly Father’s Kingdom ON EARTH, that His will become ON EARTH as IN SKIES, as it is written,

“7 And (a)_war became IN THE SKY: Meekha'el and his messengers going forth to war with THE DRAGON; and the dragon warred and his messengers;
8 and they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more IN THE SKY.
9 And THE GREAT DRAGON was thrown [out], THE OLD SERPENT, he that is called THE SLANDEROUS_ADVERSARY and THE SATANA, the deceiver of the whole inhabited_earth; he was thrown INTO THE EARTH, and his messengers were thrown with him.
10 And I heard a great voice IN THE SKY, saying, NOW is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Anointed: for THE ACCUSER of OUR BROTHERS -the_(one) accusing them before our God day and night- was_thrown [out].
11 And they, THEY_OVERCAME HIM because of THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their SOUL even to DEATH.
12 Through this be_ye_ being_gladdened, O SKIES, and ye that tabernacle in them. (A)_lamenting FOR THE EARTH and for the sea: because THE SLANDEROUS_ADVERSARY is gone down to you, having great wrath, having_known that he_is_HAVING [ONLY] (A)_LITTLE TIME.” (Revelation 12:7-12)

So shall it be, amen! (Perhaps even soon!)

By THE PARTNERSHIP, do I mean being a part of Yeshua's Body by THE FAITH??? YES, AMEN.

And Skyly Father YHWH God Almighty has been very good to you to have granted you already to understand many of these things, that now you may understand what He is enabling you to see through this message: that it is not sufficient to be a part of ‘Christianity’ or of a ‘church’/’denomination’/’faction’/’DIVISION’ of your choice, or of ANY man-made religion -and neither is it sufficient to have any ‘faith in Jesus’ of your choosing in your comfort zone which is perishing with this present evil eon- but Skyly Father YHWH God Almighty calls us to “THE FAITH which was once for all delivered to the holy_(ones)” (Jude 3), THE PARTNERSHIP of Yeshu`’s Body.

Friend, will you unite in the agreed partnership of Yeshua's Body? If so, thumb up this message and I will open a chat with another brother or two so that we can check and fill up anything missing, and confirm you (and you us) in the partnership of Yeshua’s One Body.