This month's question: It is pretty clear that YHWH wants us to do the moedim where He places His Name. Several verses in Deuteronomy tell us this. There is also the account in 1 Kings 8 that shows Jerusalem is that place.

But is it still the place? Definitively, I cannot say one way or another, but I do have an opinion.

We see Paul not going up to Jerusalem for 3 years. And even in another account, he is trying to get to Jerusalem, but it doesn't sound like anything more than that was where he wanted to be.

We see in the accounts of Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah that there is no mention of them going to Jerusalem for any of the moedim. In fact in the latter two accounts, they find the Torah scrolls and relearn about the moedim and start implementing them.

We know in Isaiah 46:10, YHWH says He makes known the end from the beginning. I see Scripture as cyclical. Things happen in a certain way as laid out. This is part of why I don't believe we have any further Scripture happening. We have everything laid out already.

I see us in the time of the Judges. Everyone is doing right in their own eyes. Sure, we are all trying our best to follow what we feel YHWH wants for us, this includes those still in Judaism and Christianity, but we are all doing what WE see as right. Once we get to the time of David again, our King, will establish His Kingdom and Torah will go out from Jerusalem and we will all be on the same page.

At that point, definitely, we will be going to Jerusalem.

So for now, we do our best with what we can.

#keepfeasts #moedim #feastlocation