There are five different types of sacrifices in #leviticus: Burnt, Grain, Peace, Sin, and Trespass. They have different purposes and methods. Although there is no functioning Temple and Altar today, they are still important to understand.

Do you have a guilty conscience? Do you want to approach God? The burnt offering is your thing.

Do you want to tell God how great He is or let Him know you're His man? Consider a grain offering.

Did God spare you? Give you a victory? Need to fulfill a vow? Make a peace offering & throw a party with friends & family.

Did you slip up, but didn't know any better? Like someone taught you incorrectly or you didn't understand a command? Bring a sin offering.

Did you go where you shouldn't have? Hurt someone? Let your tongue get away from you? Acted cowardly? Make a trespass offering.