The Messiah was betrayed on Abib 13 as it transitioned to Abib 14.
He was crucified on Abib 14 and brought down from the cross in the afternoon so He would not be hanging on Abib 15, a High Sabbath called the 1st day of Unleavened Bread.
He was resurrected on Abib 17 before sunrise, the day of first fruits that year.
Divorcing this from the days of the week and putting it on God's calendar not only makes sense, it aligns with the Holy Days of Leviticus 23, which are/were prophesies.
Make this the year that you divorce yourself from vain traditions and the rituals of pagan religions that have been morphed into Christianity. Free yourself to YHVH's truth in His Messiah and embrace true Shalom.

Easter is Pagan - First Century Christianity

Easter is Pagan - First Century Christianity

Easter is a pagan holiday that has morphed into Christianity. Here is how that happened and how properly to commemorate Jesus's death.