The book of Ezekiel chronicles the last days of Judea before being sent into exile in Babylon for 70 years. They were sent to Babylon because they kept following the false gods of that nation. God effectively told them, "You want to follow those gods? Fine. Choke on it." The book of Revelation calls believers to "come out of her, my people" which means for each of us who follow Yeshua (aka Jesus) to refuse blending paganism into the faith once delivered.

Many of us have broken from mainstream Christianity because it's a mess with pagan rituals like Sunday, Christmas, and Easter. If you're feeling the pull to separate from the paganism in Christianity, you're not alone. I'd encourage all to learn the truth of your rituals before the Messiah returns. Nobody wants to hear "depart from Me, I never knew you."

First Century Christianity - First Century Christianity

First Century Christianity - First Century Christianity

Teaching, practicing, and explaining first century Christianity how the faith was originally meant to be. (Revelation 14:12)