Take a look at our lesson we offer this week for parsha Chayei Sarah (5.1) called "A Wife for Yitshaq." In this week's Parsha Pearls lesson, we will take a journey with Abraham's servant to his homeland on a mission to find Yitshaq a wife. We will be introduced to out next matriarch Ribqah and witness her first encounter with her future husband.
You can find this lesson as well as all our lessons at: https://ymtoi.org/
We hope our lessons bless your home and remember to share any comments or photos with us on our YMTOI Facebook page or parshapearls@mtoi.org
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YMTOI - Young Messianic Torah Observant Israelites

YMTOI - Young Messianic Torah Observant Israelites

Young Messianic Torah Observant Israelites