#leviticus 23:9-22 contains a #chiasm centered on a parallelism in the Feast of Weeks (aka #shavuot):

A - v9-10 - YHWH told Moses to tell the Israelites
-- B - V10 - Beginning of harvest, give to priests.
---- C - V11-14 - Early Firstfruits. Wave offering. Lamb. Flour & oil. Drink offering. No new grain until offering done. Eternal statute in your dwellings.
------ Da - V15 - Count 7 weeks
-------- Db - From day after Sabbath
---------- Dc - From day you bring wave offering
------ Da' - V16 - Count 50 days
-------- Db' - To day after 7th Sabbath
---------- Dc' - Grain offering to YHWH
---- C' - V17-21 - Latter Firstfruits. Wave offering. Flour & leaven. Lambs, bull, rams as burnt offerings. Drink offering. Sin & peace offerings. Holy convocation. No work. An eternal statute in your dwellings.
-- B' - V22 - End of harvest, leave the corners and gleanings for poor and sojourners.
A' - I am YHWH, your God.
