Have you been told, "the reason God made the law was to show us it was impossible to obey so we'd recognize our need for a Savior?" Scripture tells us differently.

All throughout the "old" and "new" testaments, we are told to obey God's commands and to teach others to do so, --> through ALL generations <--. In addition to that, God tells us it's not too hard for us to do!

See, He tells us here in Deuteronomy 30:11-14 that, "this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off.... but the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it." Which command is He talking about? The previous 10 verses tell us He is talking about obeying all of His law --- His Torah. Be assured, He made the law because He wanted us to have very clear instructions to follow. He didn't want us to get confused by man's traditions and self-centered ways. He wanted us to have a simple set of instructions to keep us on His set apart path.

These instructions, called His Torah, can be found all through the old and new testaments --- but specifically from Exodus 12 through Leviticus, Numbers, and through to the end of Deuteronomy. These are not the "boring books" --- the enemy has convinced even pastors to laughingly say that they are boring, old, and useless. When, instead, they are our LIFE!! When we say Yeshua is the Living Word, the truth is that He is the living Torah --- the embodiment and ultimate example of the way we are to live. To walk like Jesus is to walk out Torah. ❤❤