Twice a year, I want to give a status of the projects I am working on for Straight + Narrow and what I have in mind for the future.

I meant to do this about a month ago, but I got busy and didn't get to it. Here we go!

The In-Process section has shrunk and a lot of that is due to other projects/work outside of S+N I have been involved in. I hope to get some of those completed or in a state that I can put focus back on S+N things.

Updates from last status:
- Torah 4 Churchies has been completed. I plan to have that together in book form next year.
- As the Torah Scrolls has had the first 5 books of the Bible completed and has been put together in a book. It is scheduled to come out in June. Stay tuned!
- Prophets + Writings Portions Series 2 is in full swing.
- On Merch, I have purchased a heat press and found a company that does high quality decals to put on shirts and stuff. I have only made a few things so far, due to several factors. I hope to get this up and running soon. In the meantime, Spring is still available.


* As The Torah Scrolls is now in Joshua. I was thinking about it the other day and as I have already done John, I think I would like to finish the Gospels and also Acts. Once Joshua is complete, I plan on moving to Matthew.

- Last year I attended a few events as a vendor showing off the comics and some were surprised to see me and it was really cool meeting people that read the comics. So, I figured in these updates I would like what I know I am going to and if you are interested, can plan on being there!
- Local Farmer's Market - in Centerton, Arkansas on Wednesdays from 4-8. If you are in the area, stop by! I plan on being there as much as possible unless another event or something takes place.
- HebrewFest - A music festival in Lebanon, MO. I plan on being there on June 21st.
- (Tentative) Bentonville First Friday in August. Signups haven't opened up yet, but I am going to try to get a spot.
- If you are aware of any upcoming events, please reach out and let me know!


* DIGITAL BOOKS: (UPDATE: This is still on the agenda, I just haven't move anywhere with it yet. I do have new software to help out on this front though, so that is a plus.)I have had several ask since last update about digital versions of the books. I have always had the mindset that if you want it digital, just go to the website, but it seems there is a desire to have e-books. I plan on working on making those available soon.
* EMAIL LIST: (UPDATE: After the Facebook outage a few months back, I see the need for this even more. Something that has moved higher in my priorities to get done.) An e-mail list is also something people have reached out to me on. I have no idea what I would send in e-mails, except posts like this and announcements of new books/shirts. Maybe that is enough?
* WEBSITE: (UPDATE 2: I have started working on the site through hosting it on my computer and am excited how it is turning out so far. I just need time to get it knocked out.) (UPDATE: I have found a hosting site I like. To move forward on this is funding, time, and the building of the site) I would like to get a proper website for S+N. Currently, I am hosting on a webcomic-centered hosting service, which has been good. I signed up for it as just a repository for the comics when I first started. I've mentioned several times before, I had no idea that I would still be creating these as long as I have. For ease of use to visitors of the site, there are some modifications I would like to make that, currently, cannot be achieved by the hosting service I am using.
* Modifications I would like to make:
* Better Categories - Be able to sort comics by their mini-series. The current website is geared more towards chapter-like comics, so when you click on a category it assumes the next comic afterward is in the same category and due to the nature of S+N, this is not the case. So if you want to go and read all of ATTS: Genesis in one sitting, there is a lot of extra clicking involved to do that.
* Tagging - Be able to have different themes, topics, and Bible verses associated with each comic in a searchable format. Maybe even adding a character tag as well.
* The comic characters page I keep talking about - Part of the reason behind me not creating this, outside of having time to sit down and dig through all the comics to see who all I have created, is ease of access to create on the hosting platform.
* Updated look - I've updated the website a few times since creating it, but have never really found anything I really like. The current look isn't bad, I just believe it could be better.
* It could be because I have been working on another site as part of some freelancing I do, but I feel that a WordPress site would accomplish these goals.


If you like and appreciate what I do with the Straight + Narrow, please continue to like, comment, and share with others. The goal of S+N has always been about putting something in front of people to get them to think and then research Scripture. I don't claim to be an authority on anything. I am just a guy that loves studying and putting out things that I have found, with the occasional joke thrown in for good measure. Over the time of doing S+N, I couldn't have imagined being in front of over 1,000 people on various platforms. It is truly a blessing to see this comic grow in that capacity and I thank you all for that.

If you have any ideas that you would like to see from S+N, please let me know.

Since the beginning, I have put all my comics out there for free. All the content in the books is content you can see on the website. The books and other merch have been put out there for those that like to have physical items, but also a way to financially support S+N and my family. To anyone that has purchased any of those items, I thank you. Of course, those items have their own costs associated with them as well. If you are able and would like to support S+N and its future projects more directly, please consider PayPal and KoFi.

PayPal -
Ko-Fi -

Thank you all for being part of this journey with me. I pray that the comic continues to bless you and yours. May YHWH bless you and keep you. Shalom!
