Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, for in Your Son You have come among us and shared in our humanity, that we may come to You and share in Your divinity. You have given us a wonderful Saviour and revealed the depth of Your love. Blessed are You our Holy King. Adonai, we seek to do Your will, that Your Church may be the instrument of Your peace and salvation. We ask Your blessing upon all who go out in mission and all who proclaim the Good News. We pray for all who risk their lives or well-being for the sake of doing Your will. We pray for all who seek to dedicate their lives to You and Your glory. Adonai Elohim, may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We ask Your blessing upon all who strive to bring healing and wholeness to peoples and nations. We pray for peacekeeping forces and all who endeavour to maintain law and order. We pray for the United Nations and for our governments. Adonai, may we reveal Your will in our homes by living together in love and peace. We ask Your blessing upon all our loved ones, friends and family. May we all encourage each other to do Your will. We pray for all who suffer from bad housing or live in areas of deprivation. We ask Your blessing upon all who seek to relieve the needs of the poor. Father, we pray tonight for all who are suffering from strained or broken relationships. We pray for all who are a bad influence and lead others astray. We pray for all caught up in drugs or vice. May they be given the chance of new directions. We pray for all who are ill, old people in homes, children in orphanages, those with disability and the loved ones of those who passed away. We pray for those living in high crime areas and ask Your protection over those called by Your Name. We give thanks for the salvation You provided for us through our Saviour Yeshua Moshiach and we pray this prayer through the Blood He bled for us, amein.