Jewish Morning Prayer

Here’s a prayer that many believers and Jewish people say every single morning that will completely transform your life. They say it first thing before they get out of bed, before they speak –

“Mode ani lefanja melech Chay vekayam shejezarta bi nishmati b’chemla Raba emunateja”

(Grateful am I before You Eternal King of Life, for returning my soul back to me in mercy. Great is Your faith in me.)

This is a prayer of gratitude to YHVH for having returned, our souls back to us, and believing in us to live another day in this world to accomplish whatever purpose we have here. It is a beautiful prayer and it transforms your life because you’re starting your day off with gratitude and what you do in the morning is what’s going to come with you for the rest of the day. So, when you’re starting off with gratitude to YHVH for your life, then you’re going to go into your entire day with the mindset of gratitude, and that’s only going to create yourself a life of abundance. So, such a transforming practise, you can start saying it every day in the morning before you get out of bed, start thinking about a couple things you’re grateful for. It will completely transform your mood in your life?