If you believe the Bible and follow it you do well…but consider carefully before calling a book, “The Bible”…you just might be gripping tightly to scribal tradition not Sacred Scripture.

The lying pen of the scribe wasn’t only at work in ancient days but has in these last days been very busy aswell.

Scribes have many bad habits they infuse into their works and pass them off as authentic. Some wellmeaning and others maliciously so, but the result is the same — a twisted rendition of what was originally written.

Scholars adopt local custom and call it translation. They leave out meaning, misuse terms, select interpretive renderings for political favor or denominational expectation, uphold longstanding precident regardless of its rightness or ruination, and insert their own private bias to make their work fit the expected narrative of nation or institution.

We must be cautious in all our studies never to trust what was given to us…because it passed first through the hands of the treacherous.

Question Everything
