In #acts 6:1-7, the selection of deacons to oversee the distribution of charity to widows is presented in a chiastic structure that reveals some interesting things about the relationship between the disciples and the Jewish priests.

The Jews and Hellenists in v1 refers to 2 groups of Jews: "the Jews" and "the Hellenists". The former was fundamentalist, more Jewish, while the later group was more Greek in language, appearance, and customs.

Frequently when #yeshua and the Apostles spoke of "the Jews", they meant the religious leaders or the more fundamentalist Jews, such as the Pharisees and Sadducees, not *all* Jews. When used in that sense in the context of believers in Yeshua, "the Jews" is more or less synonymous with "the Circumcision". The Hellenists in Acts 6:1 were Hellenized Jews, meaning they were Jews who had assimilated much Greek culture, losing a lot of their Jewishness along the way.

Soil from Stone: Chiasm in Acts 6 on the Appointment of Deacons

Soil from Stone: Chiasm in Acts 6 on the Appointment of Deacons

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