True story, many years ago I was with my family in the grocery store. I was wearing tassels and a man and his family saw them. He commented on them and we found out that he was also someone who believed in Yeshua and followed Torah. Or maybe at least kept Sabbath and feasts. We were excited and asked for his contact information, he gave it... BUT

He started to rattle off a list of things that he believed that we also must believe if we were to be friends. And I'm not talking basics of faith stuff. I mean petty stuff. I was shocked. We had faith in the Messiah and both celebrated feasts and kept Sabbath. Wasn't that enough? We never called his number. It was clear the first sign of disagreement he would cut off contact anyway.

Now this is all to common in our community. So I ask you. Is this attitude going to win ANYONE over to see the joy we have in Yeshua and His Torah? How are we supposed to be effective in kingdom work stuck in our individual thought silos?

And HOW are we supposed be a light to the world when we can't even talk to each other?

Sooooooo let's be friends! Let's associate with each other for more than just our calendars, pronunications, etc. Let's love each other as all being part of the family of Yah. Sure we'll engage in healthy discussion over Scripture. But we won't set up needless walls between us.

Peace brothers