When we say Question Everything, we mean EVERYTHING.

Starting with anything we say.

And yes, there very well might be something we post that’s intentionally off from true north.

Why? To see who is actually going to Question Everything.

Is this then irrational? Is it irresponsible?

Is that part of “everything”? Then perhaps you should question that aswell.

Any teacher, organization, authority of any kind can err. They can know just enough details of a matter to be dangerous. They can be ignorant but sound educated or they can be flat out lying yet very convincing.

It can get downright damnable out there learning from those who have the biggest platforms and the most money and power and reach, yet ill intentions or excellent intentions with limited knowledge and understanding of their subject matter.

So yes, sometimes we will intentionally share something that is slightly off, always accompanied by the directive to Question Everything.

Will you blindly like and share? Will you blindly ignore? Or will you actually, Question Everything?

It’s far better to do so here than to run into the test with the masses of ultracrepidarian ministries out their with massive funding and massive platforms and the means to sway the minds of the masses.

We must learn to be attentive and intentional in everything we see and hear and experience. And we must start here.

Question Everything
