Shalom aleichem! Silver Trumpet Ministries will once again be gathering this coming Shabbat (saturday) at the residence of Hein & Gerda Zentgraf in Henley on Klip from 09:30. This week we will study parashat b’ha’alotcha (when you set up), from the fourth book, Numbers. Please note that the study is mainly in Afrikaans, but we are also fully conversant in the English vernacular. Prepare from Torah: B’midbar (Numbers) 8:1 to 12:16, Z’charyah (Zechariah) 2:10 to 4:7 and Hebrews 4:1-16; you are welcome to bring your questions to the table for discussion.

For people outside the Vaal Triangle, we offer a remote gathering via the Jitsi platform, a free application that works on computers and smartphones. We send the link out at 09:30 via our Telegram group, YAH's Festivals, or on request. Coffee and tea will be supplied and every family is welcome to contribute something light to eat. We request, however, that special diets, such as gluten intolerance and diabetes are kept in mind. Please contact us on Telegram 0837745609 or Whatsapp 0846743400. To the esteem of YAH!
