Tradition doesn’t just stop. It must BE STOPPED.
And it can only be stopped by us within ourselves. And only IF we choose to move away from it.

Our ancestors kindled a strange fire like Nadab and Abihu…but unlike those errant priests, the so-called “church-fathers” set alike all true religion - a fire that burns to this very day. It burns up holiness. It burns up truth. It burns up all that is delicate, fragileand valuable. And it will set alight our whole lives if we let it.

And after the fire has passed and done it’s destroying, we are expected to behold the ashes and rubble and remark, “There is no difference between then and now. It’s the same thing, so I will be happy with the ashes of all that was.”

If not in metaphor we would see the fire raging our way and what it has destroyed in its wake…and we would set out of the way. And if we found ourselves on fire, we would put it out. Would we not?

Our Heavenly Father has sent us pure Water in His word. What better place to run to for relief when we realize we are burning? Though Christianity has boiled off much of that precious life-giving Water, still enough remains…and it always eventually rains.

For your sake and for the sake of your ancestors who were burned alive by the church or forced to convert, for the sake of those yet to come if the world lasts, put the fire out that blazes through generations. Make it end with you. And from here on our give your children water not fire.

Question Everything
