Who is your neighbour?

I know, I know... I and many others have asked this question before.

I always assumed it is my fellowman as we live amongst non-believers and believers alike. I looked with new eyes at Lev. 19:18 this morning:

"You shall not take revenge nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your #neighbour as yourself; I am the Lord."

"the sons of your people" and "neighbour" seems to refer to the same people.

In Luke 10:25-37 Yeshua tells the parable of the Good Samaritan in response to a question posed by a lawyer.

He illustrates the concept of neighbourliness through the actions of a #samaritan who assists a #jewish man who had been #robbed, beaten, and left on the side of the road. Despite historical animosity between Samaritans and #jews, the Samaritan shows compassion and care for the injured man, going out of his way to help him and ensure his well-being.

The Jews hated the Samaritans for their belief in Father and not becuase the Samaritans were unbelievers living amongst them. They were all believers so this parable doesn't strictly speaking show me that a non-believer is a neighbour.

No, I am not saying that we should turn our backs on non-believers as we are the light of the world. How can we shine if we have animosity towards our #fellowman.

I am merely trying to find the Scriptural definition of a neighbour.

How do you interpret the definition of "your neighbour" in "you shall love your neighbour as yourself"?
