Never marvel when most people can’t see what you see, understand what you understand, or believe what you believe, even when they are looking the evidence in the face.

Each of us has a framework for living that our society, experiences, language, culture, family and religion have built up for us. And it is terribly difficult (if not impossible) for most of us to break out of it…let alone even question it.

And as long as we are seeing all things of our life in the light of that framework there will be a great many matters we will not be able to comprehend. We can not comprehend them because we do not have the capacity to do so. Not so long as we remain inside the framework we’ve constructed for us.

We ourselves who are walking The Way, have begun to break out of that framework, to dismantle it where need-be, and to assess matters without its biased influence. And this is a beautiful thing…but we must be patient with all those still locked inside their framework.

They can not see what’s infront of their face because it does not fit their framework. So if we want to help these people, if we want to aid their understanding and assist them to start walking in The Way, we must not present them with truth, however tempting that may be. They don’t have the capacity to see it, understand it, and believe it. And those who can begin to understand, will not possess the capability to keep it.

Instead, we must provide these people with questions, with doubts about their preconceptions, with reasons to distrust the nature of their life-narrative and the structural stability of their framework.

Until they can make their escape as we have begun to do ourselves, the greatest miracle imaginable can happen right infront of their eyes and they will most certainly merely slough it off as nonsense and no matter of import.

Question Everything
