If we have truly Crossed Over from our ways to His, from our traditions to His, and from our beliefs to His, then we are no longer Jew or Gentile. And though we may be, by both groups, called things like Christian and Messianic and Hebrew-Rootser, what we actually are is Hebrew.

We’ve mistakenly associated Hebrew and Jews, so long that both terms seem interchangeable. But that’s not properly so. Long long before there were ever any Jews there were Hebrews. Anyone who walked away from paganism, from their societies and families and customs to follow The Way of YHWH, he or she is a Hebrew.

And it’s imperative that we recognize this all important detail and live like it, because any other perception will have us aiming for alternative ends and pursuing parenthetical purposes.

We can call ourselves what ever we wish and be called by others the same, but it matters little to the overall view of ourselves if we don’t see ourselves differently than we did when we stood on the other side in among the heathen as one of them.

“Jew” is a much devolved term from “Yehudi” in the ancient world. And they a fraction of the greater nation of Israel, split assunder and scattered across creation. So, while a Jew is a noble thing to be born as, why would we be seeking to become one of those who are a part of the greater whole but not the totality itself? Should we not seek to join and help reform that greater whole?

“Gentile” is a term less devolved than “Jew” but whose meaning has suffered stupendously from misuse over centuries. From the Latin “gentilis” and essentially meaning “of the same family, clan, race, or gens”. This Latin term implies that that the speaker is Roman or speaking from a Roman viewpoint. “This one or that one is of the Roman gens.” Through prolonged misuse, this has come to mean “none Jewish” instead.

But what are we if we are defined only by what we are not? If we are gentile meaning “not Jewish” then that only tells us a smidgin of something about us. And if we are gentile as in “of the roman gens or of the same clan, family, race of people” - people that refuse to follow YHWH and obey His Instructions, then what are we but completely outside The Way?

So why are we using this terminology about ourselves?

If we have not crossed over then it’s passed time we did so and put some distance between us and our former things. If we have crossed over it’s high time we start seeing ourselves differently and getting some distance down this Road, some miles under us in The Way.

If we have crossed over then we are Hebrew and must see ourselves as such and act accordingly.

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