DISCUSSION POINT-- and please help me see things from a different view if you think I am wrong.

Elohiym created us in His Image. Thus we are perfect. If you think you are a failure, murderer, thief or anything else, then you actually say that YHVH is not perfect. In my view, the problem lies with us as humans. It is like a computer, if you do not have protection, viruses can creep in. The same with our lives, if you do not apply Bible and prayer protection, demonic viruses do creep in. But we all are taught in a wrong way from an early age. My view is this; from pre-school, primary school, high school, colleges and even universities, we all learn a "trade" how to go to work, do our jobs, and earn money to make a living and to pay our slave masters. Which is wrong! In Bible times, fathers took their sons, mothers their daughters and taught them their trades, how to be self efficient. How to make a "free" living, but we all became slaves, slaves to mortgages, to car payments, taxes, pensions and thus, many adopted to upload viruses, thinking we will be beter off. Many turned out to become thieves, murderers, and many choose an uneducated job where we do not have to make an effort, where we can lay low, not to put the focus on ourselves. We end up in divorce courts due to the lack of supporting each other. We all need to break loose from this evil pattern. We need to reset to factory settings -- thus believing in the One in Whose Image we are made, to have faith whatever happens. For so long we were taught traditional ways how to pray in tongues (saying a verse in a foreign language over and over), we are taught how to bind hasatan, we are taught how to bless our homes, our families, YET, nobody realising that hasatan laughs at you for these traditions! There is only 2 ways of which he is scared and 1 way he tries his atmost for you to avoid. He is scared to hell and back when you say "It is written" He is scared to hell and back when you earnestly pray humble prayers and he does his atmost to discourage you to read the Bible. Thus, we need to teach our children from a young age, about YHVH, how to be humble, honest and obedient to Him, rather than the world. For us as older generation, we need to come together, pray FOR and WITH each other. We need to voice in unity that we do not agree with the wrongs of this world and not keep quiet for peace sake. To keep quiet is in my view to agree with the wrongs, as long as you not do it yourself. The best example of this is the lives of Elijah and Elisha. They did not care about kings and authorities, yet YHVH kept them save, blessed them and was with them their entire lives. YHVH Elohiym is Perfect, every human is perfectly and uniquely made, it is the viruses of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, adultery, lust, power etc, that needs to be erased. Love YHVH Elohiym with all your heart, all your mind, your soul, your life and trust fully in Him alone. Love your neighbour as you love yourself. This means also to forgive them as Elohiym forgives.