For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, my fellow Jews did not submit to God's righteousness.
Romans 10:3

They not only hid God’s actual commandments in favor of their own, but were blind themselves to the nature of the righteousness brought by the Messiah, an unearned, imputed righteousness that could remove their sins and make them perfect in God’s eyes. They can never receive the free gift of infinite righteousness until they acknowledge their inability to achieve it on their own.

This could easily have been written about the Christian Church at any time after the first century. They forbid marriage and countless other activities, which God allows, and they allow--and sometimes demand--activities that God has explicitly and repeatedly forbidden for his people. By refraining from smoking, drinking, dancing, gambling, “bad” music, and more, they believe they are living a holier life. It’s all legalistic vanity.