Visions in Revelation

The book of #revelation has many signs describing different events and many are described by John as being "like XYZ" as he didn't understand what he was seeing. But he always tried to explain what he saw and wasn't using hyperbole or else it wouldn't be an accurate writing of what he was shown.

What I don't understand is why doesn't he ever describe anything like a chariot without horses, but always talks about horsemen and their horses? Or, why not tell of fire and smoke coming from something like a staff that kills people rather than always talking about swords? A mushroom cloud or large fiery boats in the sky...

These would be very true descriptions for vehicles, guns, nuclear bombs and airplanes by someone who doesn't know what he is seeing. But yet he always uses warfare tools of his age to describe his visions.

Might it be that future wars will be waged with horses and swords again?

Or, might it be that he did see what he wrote and nothing different?
