
Ok, ok, I admit it, I confess my 'sin'!:
Yes, I did (and do) seek to respond appropriately to the Word of God
ㅤto obtain & maintain the commitment to the purity and the mutual accountability
ㅤㅤthat is required of every single, ordinary 'brother' in the Body of Yeshua,
and I did (and do) seek to respond appropriately to the Word of God
ㅤto obtain & maintain this same commitment in others,
ㅤㅤthus becoming aware of as many as I can 'brothers' and ‘sisters’
ㅤㅤㅤthat God Himself has united with me worldwide
ㅤㅤㅤㅤthrough their commitment/partnership with Him and with His Son.

For this obedient response to the Word of God,
some authoritarian religionists want to ‘discredit’ me,
ㅤsuggesting I'm some kind of heretic creating a 'new cult' or something.
In my humble opinion, sirs and ma’ams,
such religionists have presumed to have authority in the Body
ㅤand are not even members of the Body
ㅤㅤbecause they do not have the Body's commitment.
They stand to condemn people who, without them, have become righteous
ㅤthrough the faith, the faithful allegiance, the partnership, the Way of Yeshua's Body.
Why do they condemn?
ㅤBecause their facade,
ㅤㅤtheir man-made authority system that exalts them above their fellow believers and in society,
ㅤㅤㅤis crumbling because of people like me
ㅤㅤㅤㅤwho show that obedience to God is quite possible without them!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwithout them being above others and collecting others’ money!
ㅤI’m a threat to their man-made authority and their income!

If you or anyone reading this
ㅤㅤwants to embrace
ㅤthe partnership
ㅤㅤof Anointed Yeshua’s
let them thumb up this post,
ㅤand I will make a chat
ㅤㅤwith a confirmed brother
ㅤㅤㅤwho has the partnership,
and we can there check
ㅤㅤand make sure
ㅤthat we are all
ㅤㅤin the partnership,
ㅤㅤthe one called 'the fellowship
ㅤㅤㅤwith the Father
ㅤㅤㅤㅤand with the Son'
ㅤㅤㅤwhich 'we are possessing
ㅤㅤㅤㅤwith each other'.