The heavens move according to God's plan. Day and night continue from the beginning of Creation until the end. The rain falls, seeds germinate, and the earth yields its harvest today just as it did thousands of years ago. The seas occupy their space and the land its own. Heat is replaced by cold and replaces it in turn. Spring and summer, autumn and winter, rain, drought, flood, and fire. Each of these things, though they seem to be in conflict at times, follows the plan set by the Creator at the beginning. They do as they were once commanded without complaint, without struggle, and will continue to do so until they are commanded to do otherwise.

Why then, do we fight with one another for position, for honors that have not been ordained to us? Why are we, who reflect the image of the Creator in function and form more than any other of His creations, struggle so hard and continuously against the purpose for which we were created?

-Clement of Rome, "1st Epistle of Clement"