Praise Yah! It has been a peaceful and restful shabbat. "That" neighbor came home quietly in the night without interrupting my sleep, and only momentarily woke me up this morning when she left. So! I got caught up on much needed sleep and my pain level is much lower today. Yah is good and gracious and always provides! Thank you, Yah, for listening to my pleas. And, thank you, Yah, for providing for all my needs in perfect time. Thank you for the abundance of spiritual and physical gifts you have bestowed upon me. I do not deserve a drop to drink, yet you provide more than basic needs, always. I know tougher times are yet to come, but these simple things keep my heart filled with joy and gratitude. Thank you for lifting my spirits. May you bless all your creation with everything needed on this existance. May you prepare the Way for your promised return. Shalom.