Just because the only remaining prophet of Yah met the hoards of false prophets on a high place to call down fire from the heavens to consume a waterlogged offering, does not mean the Law has changed and we should now make offerings on the high places, as was the tradition. That prophet went to the sick in need of a spiritual physician. If he had gone to the temple, none of the sick in need of healing would have been present. Likewise, Yeshua went to the synagogues on Shabbat so the sick in spirit could be healed. Yeshua had no place to lay His head: where else would He have had an assembly on the sabbath, but in someone's home because it was their tradition. Just bbecause someone has a tradition that appears on the surface to be good, does not change Torah. Exodus says we are to remain on our places/dwellings on shabbat: none is to go out. (Exo 16:29 LSV See, because YHWH has given the Sabbath to you, therefore He is giving to you on the sixth day bread of two days; each abide in his place, no one goes out from his place on the seventh day.”)