Immersion of and New Life!
We at Sabbath Keepers Fellowship were privileged to participate in and witness the immersion of our dear brothers and sisters: Luis, Joanna, Lewis on 8/24/2024 here in east Texas. We consider ourselves most blessed to have been a part of this life-changing event.
Blessed art Thou, YHWH our Mighty One, King of the universe, who sets us apart in His commandments, and commands us to immerse the sojouner to Thee, in the name of Yehoshua Hamashiach Thy son!
Our Elohym, and Elohym of our fathers, preserve these sons and daughters of yours to Thy Kingdom, and let their names be known among your people Yisrael!
Blessed art Thou, YHWH our Mighty One, King of the Universe, who has kept us in life and preserved us, and has enabled us to reach this season!
All praise and esteem to YHWH, our loving Father in heaven, who has brought these lovely souls into His Kingdom, and blessed be the name of our Messiah Yehoshua whose sacrifice for our sake made it possible!
