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What happens when we do church by formula instead of by the living Word of God and the breath of His Spirit? Kevin Jessip has some thoughts on that, and on a number of other issues impacting God’s people – Christians and Jews – in these turbulent days. In this concluding segment of our conversation, Kevin shares his ideas on where we are going, as well as a few resources to help us get there.
This strange time we are living through may seem chaotic, but not from God’s perspective. He is the God of order, which is why He established His Law to govern the universe. What does that mean for us? Barry and David talk about that in their midrash, Law and Order. Where is this taking us? Greg Brown and Jimmie Black tell us about that in their music.

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What happens when we do church by formula instead of by the living Word of God and the breath of His Spirit? Kevin Jessip has...