Katrina Kickbush  shared a  post
8 w

"One thing I've learned is that there’s a fine line between walking in faith and walking in foolishness. We like to believe that when we make decisions that push our limits, we're acting in faith. No one wants to think they’ve made a foolish decision at the time—it’s usually only in hindsight that we see it.

A few weeks ago, I committed to something that required a significant financial investment. I had been considering it and praying about it for some time, so when the opportunity came, I jumped at it. But then, as often happens, buyers’ remorse set in, and I began to question whether I’d made a foolish decision.

Since then, however, God has confirmed several times that I’m on the right path. He led me to this opportunity, and if I partner with Him in faith, it will bear fruit. Faith doesn’t mean you never question if you’ve made a foolish choice; it means trusting that God has your back, no matter how you feel."
