The calendar was given to us in Genesis1:

Gen 1:14-19 LSV 14 And God says, “Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, to make a separation between the day and the night, then they have been for signs, and for appointed times, and for days and years, 15 and they have been for luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth”: and it is so. 16 And God makes the two great luminaries, the great luminary for the rule of the day, and the small luminary—and the stars—for the rule of the night; 17 and God gives them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over day and over night, and to make a separation between the light and the darkness; and God sees that it is good; 19 and there is an evening, and there is a morning—the fourth day.

The Israelites forgot the calendar after 430 years in egypt.

Exo 12:1-2 LSV 1 And YHWH speaks to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 “This month is the chief of months to you—it is the first of the months of the year to you;

If this had been according to abib barley in egypt, the israelites would have been leaving a month earlier than the barley was abib in jerusalem. While in the wilderness, they did not plant barley, yet they knew "abib barley" as a sign. What is one thing all three places had in common? The night sky. They could see the first part of the story of redemption in virgo, who holds a sheaf of barley. Passover is observed when the full moon rises in virgo, which is 14 days after the conjunction. Yeshua and His disciples kept the Last Supper, which Yeshua clearly called Passover more than once, 14 days after the April conjunctionin 30 ce:13 days after the sighted sliver. He was crucified on the rabbinical passover. This may be why paul calls Yeshua the passover lamb, because most of israel kept it on this 14th of the rabbinical abib.

Like clockwork, virgo sets with the new moon on the conjunction day of the seventh month. We just started the 6th month this week. Those observing the 7th month are too early because the fall harvest isnt ready, and sukkot is referenced as a harvest celebration. How can you have a harvest feast without a harvest?

Exo 23:15-17 LSV 15 you keep the Celebration of Unleavened Things (you eat unleavened things for seven days as I have commanded you, at the time appointed in the month of Abib; for in it you have come forth out of Egypt, and you do not appear in My presence empty); 16 and the Celebration of Harvest, the first-fruits of your works which you sow in the field; and the Celebration of the Ingathering in the outgoing of the year, in your gathering your works out of the field. 17 Three times in a year all your males appear before the face of the Lord YHWH.

Those observing sukkot this month will appear before YHWH empty handed.

Scripture never says to look for a slivered moon. It never says use the equinoxes or solstices. It does say observe sunsets, dark moons and full moons.

Num 10:10 LSV And in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed times, and in the beginnings of your months, you have also blown with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace-offerings, and they have been for a memorial to you before your God; I am your God YHWH.”

Psa 81:3 KJV Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed (H3677), on our solemn feast day. This psalm is about Passover, if you read the whole psalm. We are commanded to sound the silver trumpets on new moon days and our appointed times.

I wont judge you for following your conscience, but dont judge me for following mine.
