The foundational principles of logic:

The Law of Identity

What is is. If it’s true then it is true.

The Law of NonContradiction

What is true can not also be false at the same time in the same place.

The Law of the Excluded Middle.

There are only two possibilities. True or False. Real or Not Real. There is no in between.

These are the 3 basic laws of logic, and they are extrapolations from the way things have always been in our reality.

They aren’t subject to oppinion. They aren’t capable of change. They are part of and the fundamentals of reality as we know it.

If it is raining right here, right now, then it is raining right here right now. It’s not subject to opinion.

If it is raining right here right now it can not also be not raining right here right now. It’s not subject to opinion.

And it is either raining or not raining right here right now. There’s not third option in this comparison. It may be raining a lot or a little. But if it’s raining it’s raining. It may be cloudy and about to rain but it’s not raining until it starts and can’t be considered to be raining and not raining right here right now.

These 3 basic laws apply to all things.

If it is, then it is.
If it is, then it can not be not at the same time in the same place.
It is or is not. There is no other aspect.

Therefore, if anyone comes to you with a theory, belief, “word from above”, whatever, violating these three basic laws of reality, these three primary tenets of all truth, reject it as if it was from the devil himself…because it is.

Question Everything
