As we complete our yearly cycle of reading the Torah, it is customary to proclaim Chazak Chazak V’nichazeck as we close the book.

Be strong! Be strong! And May we be strengthened!

Contrary to what we were once taught in Churchianity, the Torah of our Heavenly Father was not weak and is not weakness. Rather it is we who are weak and subject to much weakness.

And in the Teachings, Principles, and Instructions of our King we find great strength and are made ourselves strong to do the Work and follow The Way.

YHWH did not send Yahshua to us because His Torah was too weak, but because the Torah is strong and we are weak.

Yeshua is not our strength as opposed to the Torah, because He Himself is not opposed to the Torah.

He is our Torah Teacher. He is the Living Torah.
Yehoshua Ha Meshiach is the Teachings, Principles and Instructions of the Almighty Elohim, and He was sent to show us by His Life how we could live out the Torah for ourselves.

He died and rose to pay for all our weaknesses and wickednesses and to make the already strong Ibstructions even stronger still.

So when we read then through and finish a book of the Torah we say Chazak Chazak V’nichazeck because we know the Torah is not opposed to our Messiah, because we know it is His very own teachings, and because we know in Him is our strength and not just in His person but His work aswell.

We can know and rest assured that by learning and living out the Teachings, Principles, and Instructions of YHWH, we will become strong and ever strengthened thereby.

Question Everything
