This coming week, 29 September-5 October 2024 (26 Elul 5784-3 Tishrei 5785), the Bible reading plan covers Rosh Hashanah & Ha’azinu (Give Ear).

29 Sep Deut 32:1-12 Amos 8:1-9:15 1John 5:1-21 Psa 135:1-21
30 Sep Deut 32:13-18 Obadiah 1-21 2John 1:1-13 Psa 136:1-26
01 Oct Deut 32:19-28 Jonah 1:1-4:11 3John 1:1-15 Psa 137:1-9
02 Oct Deut 32:29-39 Micah 1:1-3:8 Jude 1:1-25 Psa 138:1-8
03 Oct Gen 21:1-34 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10 Rev 1:1-20 Psa 139:1-24
04 Oct Gen 22:1-24 Jeremiah 31:1-20 Rev 2:1-17 Psa 140:1-13
05 Oct Deut 32:40-52 Joel 2:15-27 Rev 2:18-3:6 Psa 141:1-10
Num 29:1-6 Hos 14:1-9

Weekly Bible Reading For September 29-October 5: Rosh Hashanah & Ha'azinu (Give Ear) - The Barking Fox

Weekly Bible Reading For September 29-October 5: Rosh Hashanah & Ha'azinu (Give Ear) - The Barking Fox

This coming week, 29 September-5 October 2024 (26 Elul 5784-3 Tishrei 5785), the Bible reading plan covers Rosh Hashanah & Ha’azinu (Give Ear). 29 Sep Deuteronomy 32:1-12 Amos 8:1-9:15 1 John 5:1-21 Psalm 135:1-21 30 Sep Deuteronomy 32:13-18 Obad