Blessed are You Yahuah Elohim, for You have given us all talents and abilities. You have created each of us in a unique way that we may give our own unique service and talents to You.

Yahuah Yireh, we give thanks for all You have given us. May we share our talents and use them to the benefit of others and for Your glory. We pray tonight for all who tell others of Your love and proclaim the gospel.

Yahuah Adonai, we ask Your blessings upon all artists, musicians, crafts people, gardeners, architects, politicians and all who use their gifts to improve our world. We pray for all who are unable to use their talents to the full through oppression or other circumstances.

Yahuah Abba, we ask that You bless our loved ones, families and friends. We pray that our homes may be a place where talents is fostered and given the chance to grow. We ask Your blessing upon all schools, colleges, universities, places of learning and all who help others to develop skills.

Yahuah El-Shaddai, bless all who are thwarted in their ability through illness, oppression or lack of opportunity. We pray for all who are struggling with poverty and hunger. We pray for all our loved ones and friends who are ill.

Yahuah Nissi, we thank You for the gift of eternal life. We rejoice in the fellowship of Your saints and ask Your blessing upon all our dear ones. We pray and ask this in the Name of Your Son, Yeshua Moshiach, amein.