Blessed are You Yahuah Eloheinu, for You have created us all. We are Your children, loved by You and ever under Your care and protection. We thank You for our lives, Your love and all that You give us on a daily basis. Blessed are You Elohim, Yeshua and Ruach Kodesh for You are one. We thank You for Your Church that tells of Your love and helps people to know You. Loving Yahuah Elohim, bless Your Church that it may show Your love to all who come to it. We thank You for the wonderful world that You have given us, for the air that we breath and for water. We thank You for all growing things and for food. Bless all who work hard to provide us with what we need. We pray especially for hungry and homeless people. We thank You Yahuah, for the love of our homes. Thank You for the love and care of our parents. We pray for the families where a loved one is ill or causing trouble. We pray for those who are suffering from a lack of love and those who live in homes where there is tension and broken relationships. We thank You for the confidence and joy we have through knowing we are loved. We ask Your blessing upon all who are lonely or neglected. We pray for those who are separated from their loved ones through illness or circumstance. We pray for all who have been taken into care. We pray for all senior citizens in old age homes and for all children in care homes. We pray for their guardians and for their welfare organizations. We pray for those who enrich our lives by their goodness and we commit our loved ones and all people to Your unfailing love. In Yeshua’s Name amein.