Question 4: What are the proofs of Bible Authenticity?


"Can we prove the authenticity of the Bible by outside evidence" is a frequent question. The authenticity of the Bible is being proved by the old records on monuments, by tablets recently deciphered and by discoveries in Bible lands. That is if by authenticity you mean its historical truth. As to inspiration, the best evidence is its effects. The man who loves the Bible and tries to conduct his life according to its precepts is a better man for the effort The Bible reading nation advances in the best line of civilization, caring for its poor and afflicted and becoming in all ways better. Another evidence of its being inspired is the revelation it gives a man of himself, holding a mirror to his gaze by which he recognizes himself. Evidence is its survival. No book was ever more violently attacked, no book was ever more misused, yet it has outlived the attacks of foes and the faults of friends and is read today more widely than ever. These are a few of the reasons for believing it came from YHVH.