Malachi 1:11 “For from sunrise to its setting My Name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to My Name with a pure grain offering, for My Name will be great among the nations,” says Adonai-Tzva’ot.
Many years ago YHVH set upon my heart to make my home a sanctuary, so I went about to study what His home was like, the Temple. I wondered why He used the incense he used and the music He used, knowing that nothing He does is without meaning. I traveled to Jerusalem and found my way to the Harp Makers shop and the Oil makers shop, and there began my journey into a very long study of sound and scent. I then opened a shop to sell these items and instruct people how to use them. Its a wonderful addition to bring the things of the Kingdom into real life, while our prayers are like incense, we can do both and we are encouraged to do so! Fulfilling Malachi's prophecy, I hope to help people do this as well! Dm me for more information or visit my site.
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