Question 242: What were the characteristics of Yeshua that made Him so worthy of following?
He was altogether lovely, Song of Solomon 5:16; holy, righteous, good, faithful, true, just, guileless and sinless, spotless, innocent, harmless (Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27; Isaiah 53:11; Matthew 19:16; Isaiah 11:5; John 1:14; John 7:18; Zechariah 9:9; John 5:30; Isaiah 53:9; 1 Peter 2:22; John 8:46; 1 Peter 1 :19; Matthew 27:4.). He was forgiving, Luke 23:34; merciful, Hebrews 2 :17 and loving, John 13:1, 15:13; compassionate and benevolent, Isaiah 40:11; Luke 19:41; Matthew 4:23, 24; Acts 10:38. He was meek, lowly in heart; patient, humble and long suffering, Matthew 11:29, 27:14; 1 Timothy 1:16; Luke 22:27. Though zealous, He was resigned, resisted temptation and was obedient to YHVH the Father, even as He had been subject to His parents in His youth (Luke 2:49, 22:42; John 4:34, 15:10; Luke 2:57).